Nakufreight Ltd Since its incorporation in 1974, Nakufreight has grown into a chartering broker, tramp operator and liner agency organization with off... Phellas Shipping Andreas Phellas is a man with vision and goals. He took his first steps in the Shipping & Forwarding business in 1968. Year by year... Solomonides Shipping Solomonides Shipping Ltd., has its roots in a successful family business founded more than 50 years ago. Today, through a continuing pr... Hull Blyth Araouzos In 1936 the British shipping company HULL BLYTH & CO LTD of London initiated their business activities in Cyprus with the establish... Five Continents Logistics Five Continents Group of Companies was formed in the year 2000 as a result of a merger between three existing companies trading since 1... GAP Vassilopoulos G.A.P. Vassilopoulos Group was established in 1964 and is listed on the Cyprus Stock Exchange since 2001. Today it is a contemporary a... Chripan Agency Welcome to Chripan Agency, one of Cyprus's largest and most experienced independent shipping agents. We have been at the heart of the C...